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About CodeJo

This is a practical meetup for those interested in programming. We meet monthly to perform various Code Kata in pairs (though you're welcome to fly solo if you prefer).

People of all skill levels are welcome, and no programming language restrictions are imposed.

Meetup 3: Back Tracking March 16, 2014

Back Tracking was the group's fourth meeting.

The Kata of choice was a converter between Roman Numerals and natural numbers.

This months teams chose to use JavaScript, Python and PHP

Meetup 2: Divide and Conquer February 16, 2014

Divide and Conquer was the group's third meeting.

The Kata of choice was Conway's Game of Life.

This months teams chose to use Ruby, C# and JavaScript

Meetup 1: Hello World January 19, 2014

Hello World was the second meetup of the group.

This months kata was an Ints to English challenge: write a program which takes a number and returns the written equivalent. eg:

int_to_english(1) == "one"
int_to_english(2) == "two"
int_to_english(21) == "twenty one"

To solve it, people used JavaScript, C#, Python and other languages

Meetup 0: Test Case December 9, 2013

Test Case was the first meetup of the group.

In pairs, we spent a couple of hours attempting the Bowling Kata.

Programming languages used include Ruby, C#, PHP and Java